Sunday, January 23, 2011

Garden Corner Makeover - Garden Project 2011

Ok, so embarking on a makeover project. Hate the right most corner of the front yard and its time to do something about it.
Here's the before picture - whats there to like, right??

Now the plan :
Clean up the mess that are the weeds (..but of course), add a border (hmmm...), put some shade loving plants (options, options), mulch and pray :-) sounds easier than it is. Mind running wild with options, ideas and excitement.
Oh well... at least I got started. Cleaned up a small portion of the weeds and dug up the Gladioli bulbs which I replanted in the very front side of the yard where they will get plenty of sun. Here's the little progress I made on 1/23/11.

1/31/11 : More progress to report.
Cleaned out the weeds some more and put in a border. I might change the border if I come across something more appealing. Looking good so far , I think.

Also cleaned out the area with the daffodils - so that the blooms stand out a little more. I will move these daffodils from this spot after they are done blooming this year.

The daffodils bloomed and the below picture was taken on 03/09/11

4/3/11 : Little bit of progress. Dug up the hosta from the front corner of the yard and divided it up into two. My first attempt of Hosta propagation. Replanted both the hostas in my newly created garden corner. And a new border too. Picture below :

Planted 4 Astibles in this corner. My contribution here in this corner is done for now. The hard part begins though - patience....... :)

The Hostas doing very well as usual. And two of Astibles have leaves too - though they are very very small. I dont think I will get any Astilbe flowers this year.

Today I brought home a Hydrangea which was grafted in Roanoke Park in Seattle. I tried with others from this park before but those didnt grow. Please please dont let this one die. Love Hydrangeas and want one so bad. I planted this one in the top part of this garden corner.

The Astilbe's can't be seen in the picture, but the Hostas look great I think. The Hydrangea looks tired, but I transplanted it only today - hope it revives soon.

The Hydrangea did'nt survive. Sad but not surprised. This is what this garden corner looks like today.
Will move the Gladioli in the front of the yard next year and will add some more plants here - possibly the calla lily that I gave Sandip for his bday this year. The corner looks much better than it did all these years and I am happy with that.