Saturday, April 16, 2011

One new new project :)

Started a new project ....yeah again :)
Imagined my backyard a certain way and set out 'really small' in getting there. Its probably a eye sore now but hopefully in a few months, it will be the start of my backyard Oasis :)
The site I attacked today is the corner of my backyard.First covered the area with lots of newspapers which will hopefull take care of the weeds.The area has a little slope, so will raise it with some topsoil and compost. I had put some Shasta Daisy there earlier which seems to have established. Found a nice plant (trying to find the name of this one) growing among the 'Lily of the Valley' in the backyard, which I brought and put in a contianer. This covers a part of the corner. Very excited yet again to explore the possibilities. Stay tuned for updates :)

Figured out from my GardenStew freinds that the mystery plant I found in the backyard is actually a FoxGlove. Wondering what color the flowers will be.

Adding picture of Foxglove. Not anything else to add - the caladium were barely there. So tiny and unimpressive.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Narcissus blooming...

I bought 50 Narcissus bulbs early this year and planted them all over the front and back yard. They all came up nice and strong and starting to bloom now - they sure do look pretty!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy day...4/9/11

Happy because I got 3 new kinds of plants today - 1 pink crysenthemum, 3 fuchsia and 2 geraniums. These will be a part of my container garden.

A mysetry plant that I got from Idylwood Park has new leaves..YAY!!

The Kinnickinnick has two little pink flowers and is finally in the garden from the pot it came in - from office :-)

I also planted 18 Asiatic lilies in the front and back yard today. Cant wait for the blooms.

I propagated a little Day Lily off set from the front yard and put it in the side yard. I plan to gradually have a day lily bed in the side yard. I dont think the Day Lily will bloom in the side yard this year - it is too small. But hope it grows strong for next season :)

Oh yeah - the white Tulips in the container bloomed. They look so beautiful. The pink buds are showing too. Happy, happy :)

Only the Geraniums bloomed from the Fred Meyer lot. These are the so amazing. Have plans to winterise these and bring more next year.

The mystery plant is still a mystery - does'nt look like it will bloom.It has gotten bigger with more leaves. Will let it occupy some place in the garden.
The daylily did'nt bloom this year. But it didnt die - so hoping for blooms next year.
The Asiatic lilies came up. One of them have buds. Hoping we will see a little color on it soon.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tuberose in a container

Planted 5 of the 15 tuberose bulbs that I got on Valentines day in the pot. Tuberose is one of my favorite flowers, absolutely love the fragrance. Always reminds me of home in India. I hope they do well.

Added a Hyacinth as a filler in the pot with the tuberose bulbs. Since the hyacinth and tuberose have different blooming times, I am hoping to get some color in the container for a long time.

TuberRose in the container was a 'no-show'. While the ones I planted in my front yard has given out leaves, the tuber rose bulbs in the container didnt do anything even though they were planted over a month before the ones in the ground. I now removed the bulbs from the container and planted them in the front yard along with the others.

No Tuberrose flowers this year. Almost all the plants came up so hoping they will bloom next year.